
Dam-break Solver Using an LxF scheme in Excel. (Zipped format) Code for a dambreak happening on a rectangular, horizontal, frictionless channel, created for demonstrating Saint-Venant equation solutions. Download and use this on your own computer with Excel installed (version 2003 and above). 

For this tool (and the ones below) you will need to ENABLE ALL CONTENT in order for the Excel code to be able to perform calculations. Use Excel Filter to obtain only depth or flow rate results.

Parabolic mass diffusion solver in Excel - (Zipped format) Code for a simple 1D Mass Diffusion equation solver applying a Parabolic Equation PDE.

Method of the Characteristics pipeline valve closure(Zipped format) Code for a simple 1D Mass and Momentum solution for closed pipe flows when a valve is gradually maneuvered. Applies here the MOC solution as shown in Wylie et al (1993) using 21 computational nodes.

ReSWMM - By Robson Pachaly Our Ph.D. candidate (expected degree in 2021) Robson created a very easy-to-use tool that performs artificial discretization in SWMM projects, enabling much more dynamic calculations of rapid filling conditions as well improved unsteady calculations. This link takes you to the GitHub page of his work. This software comes without any warranty and risks associated with the application of the tool are not assumed by the authors, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it so long as due acknowledgment is provided to the authors.